Anxiety,  YouTube Channel

How does anxiety affect your life? with The Sims (video)

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is complex, and not everyone’s experience is exactly the same. However, there are some characteristics of this disorder which are fairly common. In this video, we present a few of these examples, with help from The Sims.


Generalized anxiety disorder is complex, and not everyone’s experience is exactly the same, however there are some characteristics of this disorder which are fairly common.

For example:

You constantly have an impending feeling of doom.

You have to sit near the door in any venue in case you start having an anxiety attack and have to leave.

You get bouts of exhaustion during which you could happily go to sleep on the floor for hours.

But you frequently have trouble falling asleep.

Your muscles are almost always tense.

You overthink everything to the point you cause yourself an anxiety attack, especially when you need to make a decision.

You’re constantly replaying things in your head that make you anxious.

You’re incredibly sensitive to noise.

You feel like everyone is judging you, finding you wanting.

You get unexplained headaches, from out of nowhere.

Sometimes you feel like you can’t breathe.

We hope this video has been helpful. Please subscribe to our channel if you would like to see more videos about anxiety.

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