When Someone You Know has Depression

10 Tips for Staying Sane when Your Partner has Depression

Dolce Far Niente by John Singer Sargent

If you’re involved with someone who’s depressed, you’ve probably seen quite a few articles and videos that tell you how to be supportive of your partner. And yes, these are a great idea, as the person who is depressed is in hell, plain and simple. (I was diagnosed with depression after twenty years of living with it, at age 27, so I can promise you that it’s horrible).

However, you have to think about yourself too. Having a partner who’s depressed can be frustrating and lonely. The person you look to for emotional support is, to a great extent, not there anymore, so you’re doing the work of the relationship for both of you, and often being a caregiver of sorts. Yes, you need to be supportive of them, but you have to consider your sanity too!

I’ve been in two relationships with a partner who’s depressed. In one case, the guy denied he was depressed. The other man admitted he was depressed but refused to get help. I ended up walking away from both relationships. It was apparent that nothing was going to change, and I had to move on.

If you are in a better position, with someone who is open to treatment, you may decide to give the situation some time. In the meantime, you have to protect your own mental health. I’m going to give you some suggestions to help keep your partner’s depression from becoming your own.

1. Don’t take your partner’s behavior personally, and don’t take it to heart.
If your partner’s rejecting you emotionally or sexually or withdrawing, it’s not due to something you’ve done or not done. Being depressed is almost like being possessed. The depression is the one in the driver’s seat, and when you’re depressed, sad and angry, you tend to lash out at those people who love you. On the other hand, if your partner is saying or doing hurtful things, you have a right to insist that that behavior stop. You don’t need to be a punching bag.

2. Educate yourself about depression – its causes, the different types, the symptoms, and of course its treatment.
If this is the first time that either of you has had to deal with depression up close, this is really important. And it’s up to you, as the person who still has got it together, to do the research.

3. Be realistic about how much you can help your partner.
You cannot cure their depression, no matter how much you love them. You can’t buy something, say something or do something that will make the depression go away. You can be supportive and understanding, which will be greatly appreciated at some point in the future when your partner recovers. But other than getting your partner to a doctor, there’s nothing that you can do to make this go away.

4. Ask for help from family and friends.
If your partner was physically ill, you probably wouldn’t hesitate to ask – and people wouldn’t hesitate to offer. But when your partner’s depressed, it may not occur to others (unless they’ve been in your shoes) that the situation is similar; that you are likely taking on a greater share of the chores and childcare. Or they’ll feel awkward offering, because many people still see depression as something shameful, and are afraid of embarrassing you.

5. You’re your partner’s caregiver, especially if he or she is profoundly depressed.
Caregivers need time off. You need to get away from the situation occasionally and do something just for yourself. Also, look into resources (both online and in the real world) for caregivers, as these can be really helpful. You’ll learn a lot of good hints and tips on how to deal.

You may be interested in How to Help and Support Someone with Depression

6. Keep in mind that depression is “contagious.”
That may sound silly, but it’s very common for family members of someone with depression to develop it themselves. Keep an eye out for any signs of depression in you or other family members, and hotfoot it to a doctor if it becomes apparent that treatment is called for.

7. Find a therapist – for you.
Chances are that your partner should definitely be in therapy, and you might want to go to couples counseling jointly, but you need someone objective who is also on your side. The therapist can help you develop coping strategies, and also help you determine the answer to the question in the next tip.

8. Decide what your “line in the sand” is.
Are you staying with your partner no matter what? What if your partner refuses to get help? Bear in mind that this decision is for you alone. Using it as a threat or ultimatum with the depressed person (“If you don’t get treatment I’m leaving”) is not necessarily going to do anything to change their behavior.

9. Take care of yourself physically.
You need to eat well and exercise – to get rid of stress. Remember that you may have a constant low level of stress without being aware of it. After all, chances are that you don’t want to unload your frustrations about work or school or other people on your partner. Either you don’t want to stress them out, or you’ve found that they just can’t cope with your problems.

10. Read one of the books listed below.
They contain practical strategies for maintaining your relationship and your sanity when you’re involved with someone who’s depressed.


When Someone You Love is Depressed: How to Help Your Loved One Without Losing Yourself by Laura Epstein Rosen, Ph.D. and Xavier Francisco Amador, Ph.D.
How to Live With a Mentally Ill Person: A Handbook of Day-to-Day Strategies by Christine Adamec
The Burden of Sympathy: How Families Cope with Mental Illness by David Karp

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